Net Price Policy

FM ACOUSTICS employs a NET price policy whereby artificially inflated prices and corresponding excessive discounts - rather common in the audio market - are avoided. FM ACOUSTICS' prices are NET exclusive of any applicable local taxes such as V.A.T., luxury, excise and similar taxes and apply when products are collected and if paid for in advance. Additional charges may be incurred for different payment methods and other services such as delivery, insurance, installation, etc.

Do not expect your distributor to extend discounts. They are not able to. They receive reasonable compensation for their efforts and long term support - but that number is not excessive as is common in the Hi-Fi market. So they are unable to extend "special" prices.
This NET price policy guarantees that all customers worldwide receive fair treatment and that, with the exception of local taxes, purchase conditions are identical. It is for the benefit of all who invest in an FM ACOUSTICS' as in this way products are honestly priced and the value remains most advantageous.

By creating artificially high price tags of their products, other manufacturers try to impress that their products are of similar standard and performance as an FM ACOUSTICS, so that they can then entice their clients with artificially large discounts. Actually, that way one purchases discount, not value.     

This 'overpricing game' does not appear to have brought success for any length of time. Many a product vanished almost as quickly as it was hyped onto the market. Today, such products can be found in the used market at a small fraction of their original price. Despite the initial "great" discount the "deal" often turns out to be less great...   

Some indeed know the price of anything but do not recognize value.

No doubt there will be more such products with all kinds of fancy features or expensive looking design pieces etc.

Some of these products are fine for buyers who need a status symbol or a fancy piece of furniture. For these and other reasons, a choice of products is most welcome.

FM ACOUSTICS, however, will not be involved in "designer products". We always have and always will be here for the music.

A good indication of a unit's real worth is the 2nd hand value. Prices of decent pre-owned FM ACOUSTICS will say more than a thousand words.



On the net intentionally falsified or long outdated or prices and information is published by less than reputable individuals (often, those that - for various reasons – are not able to obtain FM ACOUSTICS products). FM ACOUSTICS takes action against anyone who disseminates blatant misinformation.

FM ACOUSTICS only quotes prices in Swiss Francs (CHF) as the constant exchange rate shifts make it impossible to keep accurate price lists in many different currencies. For the convenience of local clients our distributors may quote in other currencies but the prices will always be in direct relation to the Swiss Franc price times the current exchange rate.

For accurate pricing contact your official FM ACOUSTICS distributor or FM ACOUSTICS Switzerland direct rather than relying on figures stated on the net or elsewhere.


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8132 Egg b. Zurich



Phone:  + 41-44-7257777

Fax:     + 41-44-7257790


Last updated : 20.03.2025