In the heart of europe

Elegant display for elegant products... One of the two turntables above the FM 255 and the FM 222
Elegant display for elegant products... One of the two turntables above the FM 255 and the FM 222

Excellence and enthusiasm for beauty are the major themes in this precious home located in the heart of Europe.

An inspiring atmosphere is present in these quiet and peace-enhancing rooms; more than elegance, an atmosphere of balanced harmony.


Perfection is apparent, not only up front but even in the finest details behind the visually obvious.

So is the care devoted to this treasure trove of breathtaking paintings, singular carpets and fine art. From the exquisite draperies in the rooms to the discrete custom built furniture, everything is selected and placed with a subtle feeling for beauty and harmony.


The synergy between the client and Dorian Huber, interior architect/designer (and brother of FM ACOUSTICS' founder) was optimal and resulted in a most fitting environment for an FM ACOUSTICS system.

In company of great visual art the music intensifies...
In company of great visual art the music intensifies...

The owner couple is as demanding of their music system as for everything else. After experiencing an FM ACOUSTICS presentation, they wondered if this level of reproduction could be achieved in their home.

A visit showed that the smaller part of the L-shaped living room could be promising, provided the system was capable of being adjusted to the exquisite surroundings - both acoustically and aesthetically.


After listening to other systems and comparative auditioning, the clients chose a complete FM ACOUSTICS system.

A number of special demands were to be met:

A discrete system for a discrete lover of the arts
A discrete system for a discrete lover of the arts

- The sources that performed well in the previously existing system (like a vintage Swiss-made turntable) had to integrated in the new system.

- No changes or modifications of any part of the room was allowed; the furniture, windows, drapes etc. all had to remain exactly as they were.

- All paintings and objects d'art would have to remain in place and not be affected in any way.

To blend in with the surroundings the system was specially lacquered in the same finish as the room.

A space for the sources was allocated and a purpose-designed furniture was built for the electronics. Emphasis is on stability but discrete exteriors. Powerful mains wiring assured that the two stereo power amplifiers, hidden inside the furniture next to the bi-amplified Inspiration System, would never experience power limitations.

The results enthralled the owners who treasure their music system as "life enhancing".

"Our wide range of musical tastes are demanding because so far any system we heard imposed their specific characteristics on the music;

one was quite acceptable for small Jazz ensembles but disappointing in orchestral works, others were the opposite and many were coloured and - at best - suited only for certain pop music. This system, however, is accurate in every style and at any loudness. An entirely different level of emotional content is present in the music, a unique characteristic that is just lost in the other systems.

Here all requirements were exceeded with phenomenal reproduction in every single characteristic. You are not observing a concert, you are immersed in it. Everything is in harmony and reproduced naturally, nothing is exaggerated, nothing tries to catch undue attention, nothing is artificial. It is a thrill to experience the most realistic reproduction of important musical events".


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8132 Egg b. Zurich



Phone:  + 41-44-7257777

Fax:     + 41-44-7257790


Last updated : 20.03.2025