Resolution Series 256-RC



The FM 256-RC is the successor of the much revered FM 255-MKIIR.

In nearly 30 years of production the FM 255 series has been a mainstay of FM ACOUSTICS and the most successful line stage.

With the new FM 256-RC the FM 255 MKII-R is now reborn; all of the features are included in the new FM 256-RC.    




the inclusion of the very sought-after additional feature; the fantastic ARC (Acoustic Resonance Correction) that provides listeners a much improved auditory experience.


With the unique ARC, massive reproduction improvements can be achieved with any system - and this in any room.

Standing waves are anywhere where parallel surfaces create pronounced resonance peaks (= very sharp Sound Pressure Level (SPL) increases at specific frequencies). These resonances are disturbing as they are super-imposed on any kind of music resulting in poor low and low-mid frequency definition. As these are acoustic standing waves they are present in any listening environment and system and this with any source be it LP's , streamers, CD's, DVD`s, AV components etc.


The ARC circuits are also ideal if there are resonances from other sources in the room, e.g. air conditioning or any other resonating surface or room component.
The ARC circuits are absolutely unique as the entire correction is done with pure analogue circuits and do not interfere with the music. No digitizing,

A/D or D/A conversion is used. The integrity of the existing system’'s reproduction remains 100% intact.

With FM ACOUSTICS singular ARC circuits disturbing resonances can be eliminated. The result:  a much ameliorated reproduction in   any    listening environment.


To allow the opportunity to experience the amazing improvement the ARC brings to any room, contact the official distributors in your area and request a personal demonstration. Or send an email to . We will organize that you will then be contacted by our official distributor.




The calibration of the ARC circuits requires specific knowledge and test equipment. Our official distributors will therefore perform this one time set up at no charge for our clientele.



Swiss made remote control


The FM 256-RC features a cute remote that allows the important functions to be controlled remotely.  Handcrafted at FM ACOUSTICS Swiss facility it provides an additional great feature that is unique:


slow  and  fast speed  volume control.


- The upper two controls "FAST" will cause the level to increase or decrease rapidly.


- The lower two controls "SLOW" will cause a more gradual change of level, thereby allowing very precise audio level setting.






True impedance

Compatibility with domestic and professional equipment is assured via ultra high accuracy true balanced inputs and adjustment switches
Compatibility with domestic and professional equipment is assured via ultra high accuracy true balanced inputs and adjustment switches


New switchable true-impedance attenuators - unique to FM ACOUSTICS -  are included on the balanced inputs. These are very useful with some of today's high level components (download servers/CD/DVD players/converters etc.) that  deliver excessive voltages - often far above the standardized level ratings. Such excessive input levels can overload input stages (not the ones of the FM 256-RC though...). They force the user to set the Level control on the line stage to very low settings, so low that it actually works as an attenuator instead of a pre-amplifier.

The  true balanced input attenuators lower such excessive levels whilst guaranteeing perfect balancing (not an easy feat). This in turn results in optimal Level control setting (around 12 o'clock position for normal listening levels).





Precise Gain adjustment

FM 255-MKIIR - optimal gain structure in any system
Optimal gain structure achieved in any system


To allow optimization of the total system gain - which differs widely from one system to another - further level switches allow tuning of the internal gain of the FM 256-RC. This allows more flexibility in system gain optimization.

Any system can be set to an optimal gain structure - which improves total system performance.







New modules

FM ACOUSTICS unmatched interference rejection...
Nothing dares to interfere - phenomenal rejection of interferences such as hum, noise, RF etc.


New modules are used on the inputs. They help to achieve an astounding 100dB of rejection of interference, hum, noise etc.) making the FM 256-RC immune against disturbances.

This rejection is not achieved with cheap op amps but with a fine-tuned discrete Class A configuration which guarantees the phenomenal resolution FM ACOUSTICS equipment is world renown for.






New output circuits

The new "HR" modules provide unmatched resolution and reliability
New modules provide unmatched resolution and reliability


New modules are also employed for the true balanced outputs.

These new modules are the result of a multi-year development.


They achieve a superb level of reproduction and reliability. Never before has such a level of accuracy been achieved.







Precision in every detail is the reason for unique results
Meticulous selection and precision in every detail - the base for unique results


Hand-selection is evident everywhere.


Here are the precision Output Level and Balance controls.

In combination with proprietary interference rejection and singular shielding/grounding techniques the highest level of musical accuracy is achieved.






  • Massive improvements in any room and with any system thanks to the unique Acoustic Resonance Correction circuits
  • Superb, musically accurate reproduction
  • Unparalleled freedom from interference, noise and distortion of any kind
  • Featuring two true balanced inputs and three single-ended inputs
  • 100-1000 times better interference rejection than other so-called "balanced" equipment.
    The result - total silence in between the music. 
  • Proprietary, enhanced Class A circuitry
  • Tremendous headroom and reserves
  • True symmetrical balanced input paths
  • Discrete Class A tape auxiliary send and return guarantees superior recordings and optimal interfacing with auxiliary equipment.
  • Unique, true balanced outputs automatically optimize performance with balanced, pseudo-balanced or unbalanced loads
  • Outputs drive practically any load and long cables with perfect reproduction and stability
  • Fully discrete, individually tuned circuitry built with special selected and curve-tracer analyzed semi-conductors which are then additionally selected by listening tests.
  • Hand calibrated "Balance" and "Output Level" controls guarantee freedom from noise & interference.
  • Internal transformer prevents stray fields.
  • Hand-selected and individually matched components of DIN, IEC & MIL standards
  • Modular concept guarantees that the FM 256-RC does not become obsolete
  • Superior in every aspect: The Resolution Series® 256-RC is THE ultimate precision line stage for use with true-balanced, pseudo-balanced and unbalanced sources.


While this description will give you an initial idea on some of the unique methods and technology, they are not complete and cannot give any idea about the musical accuracy of the FM 256-RC. To experience this, one must hear the FM 256-RC.
Write to FM ACOUSTICS so our nearest representative may contact you and arrange a demonstration.

Orders are accepted from now onward and will be entered on the order list. Deliveries are planned to start within the next 5 months - in the sequence that orders were received. 



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8132 Egg b. Zurich



Phone:  + 41-44-7257777

Fax:     + 41-44-7257790


Last updated : 04.10.2024