References were unsolicited. No compensation of any kind was obtained.


"I recently purchased your FM 223 Phonomaster and I am writing to let you know how absolutely delighted I am.

There is a certain "correctness" to the sound of the FM 223 that is transformative. One puts on a record and just gets lost in the emotion of the music. The sound isn't overly bass punchy and the highs aren't exaggerated as seems to be the case with many high-end audiophile products. It's just beautiful music. I'd be remiss if I didn't complement you on the engineering in the FM 223. It shows a phenomenal signal-to-noise ration about 15 dB better than anything and far below the surface noise of any record. 
The de-click and de-crackle real time analog noise reduction circuits are practically magic. Unbelievable. As noted in the manual, they function without the "dullness" that digital noise reduction often creates.
Lastly, it is great that you've included notes about the importance of proper grounding with the instruction manual. Having built and operating large television post production facilities I couldn't agree with you more. Congratulations and thanks again - I'm going to put another album on." 

Dean Winkler, WCI, New York


"...We were, however, immediately aware of a cleaner high-frequency response and a much tighter bass. Subjectively, the FM ACOUSTICS power amplifier appears to be more analytical and to result in less listener fatigue. We have also noticed that, despite having in effect more than doubled the amplifier power, the failure rate of our monitors has dropped."
Audio International Recording Studios Ltd., London


"...We have spent close to a year evaluating most top amplifiers. We even had some made especially for us, using new tube technology. After all these efforts, we received our FM 801A's, installed them in half an hour, warmed them for 2 hours and then listened.... All I can say now is this: If you are serious about your music, really serious, and you are tired of playing around, then get an FM 801A - and enjoy."
BOP Recording Studios


"...Leading figures of Nashville's music scene got together for a controlled evaluation of power amplifiers in Sound Stage's control room. Without exception all who were present agreed on the outcome of the test. The comment: "well, we have no choice, have we?" best reflects the feeling of famous musician producer:"
Jimmy Bowen, Sound Stage Studios / Back Stage Studios, Nashville


"...I have worked with FM ACOUSTICS amplifiers on a number of occasions. At American Helix we were looking for an amplifier that in combination with stability and long-term reliability, guarantees perfect audio reproduction. ...For us this is a tool, not a toy. An FM ACOUSTICS Precision Power Amplifier was the right choice for our specific needs."
James Boyer, American Helix Technology Corp.


"The FM 122 is really in a class of its own. The delicacy of reproduction, in combination with the features make it truly unique. A resounding success. They are in constant use in our transfer facilities."
National Record Library of Switzerland, Switzerland


"...The crown jewel of my system is the FM ACOUSTICS FM 122 phono pre-amp. This remarkable unit is expensive, but worth every penny for what it can bring out of vinyl grooves. Especially impressive are its results in playing early mono LP's and 78 rpm records. Many of them have a brilliance and sound stage unmatched by any CD I've heard. Many labels which are not known as "audiophile" labels have become such when played through this unit. I'm enjoying playing LP's so much now, that I rarely play my CD's anymore."
Dave Canfield, Ars Antiqua, U.S.A.


"The FM 223 literally revolutionizes the reproduction of LP's and 78's. No doubt this is the biggest advance in the reproduction of vinyl in the last decades!"
Reviewer's comments


"The FM ACOUSTICS balanced phono stage is simply breathtaking. In the evening we were listening to classical recordings. The listeners were absolutely captivated by the "weight" of the music reproduction. When the music finally stopped, everyone remained quiet; some were moved so much that they had tears in their eyes. We honestly required some time to realize we were not in the concert, but actually listening to a music system.

An absolutely singular experience."
Comment after a demonstration in Germany


"I decided to purchase the FM ACOUSTICS 122 Phono Linearizer/Preamplifier because of the lack of contemporary competition for the specific function of this product. Now, I am happy to be able to have a high quality device that allows me to play LP records with such accuracy."
David Routon, Lincoln, USA.


"...The FM 122 Phono Preamplifier is unbelievable. I always tended towards tube equipment but this unit opens another world. I'm re-discovering my records."
Matthias Brumm, Music Enthusiast, Switzerland


"We have purchased the FM 122 and we are very pleased to inform you that if vinyl collectors have not heard the FM 122, they have not heard the future of analogue. Quite simply, the FM 122 is musically excellent. It takes the bass clarity, definition and pace to hitherto unexpectedly high standard for LP replay".
Seiji Yoshioka, Director, Immutable Music, Yokohama, Japan


"With the FM 221 and 223, late RCA "No dog"pressings almost sound like a "Shaded Dog 1S" stamper."
Comment of a listener at a presentation


"The accuracy of the FM 222, combined with the wonderful musical feeling, is simply superb."
Eckhard Hempel, Hempel Sound, Australia


"I am delighted to report the connection of the FM 122 presented no problems and the results are marvelous. The sounds I hear now have almost antithetical qualities of crystalline clarity and precision combined with a weight and richness that I could not really have imagined. There is also much more "speed"; the whole effect is so convincing that I might become a stay-at-home, rather than bother to venture out to hear live music!"
Danny Henrey, London, U.K.


"The musicality of the FM 122 Phono Preamplifier is simply phenomenal. It reproduces music purely as music. Fantastic !"
Willi Maissen, Switzerland


"...After having listened to your balanced phono preamp for a couple of weeks, I feel I have to write you. I have been involved with High End equipment for years and have also collected records since I was in school. Since the beginning of this year, I finally felt I had arrived at the ultimate a system could yield. I had been working toward this end for the last two and a half years. I have always only used tubes so therefore optimizing a system which involved the search for excellent tubes, which were also rare, made the project even more complex.
When I ordered the phono pre, I did it because I was intrigued by its design concept and your reputation. I did not, however, expect to enhance the quality of the sound my system produced; perhaps, at best, to give it a new perspective. I was, therefore, even more overwhelmed by what I experienced.
Right out of the box, the FM 222 impressed by its stunning appearance. It looked more like a fine piece of jewellery than audio equipment. The minute I played the very first record, I knew I had never heard anything like this before.
The sense of presence, ease and natural detail. The richness of tone and resonance. The vibrant, vital quality of voices and instruments was simply breathtaking. Never before had I heard my records reproduced this way. For the very first time since I have been trying to achieve the very best in sound reproduction, I felt I was in the recording venue. I was part of the moment when these records were being recorded.
Finally, I believe I have an insight and new understanding of the meaning of recording music and its reproduction. The experience is what makes all this work worthwhile and for it, I must thank you."
Ausbert de Arce, U.S.A.


"...What a pleasure it is to use your amplifier and speaker cables in monitoring our recording and post-production sessions. (...) First, I must say that I've never seen an amplifier physically constructed with such care and attention to detail. The sound? Simply put, after hours and hours of use in several separate recording and post-production sessions, the FM ACOUSTICS power amplifier is the most signature-less amplifier that we have ever used. Period. It's all there: detail, color and control... Using it with FORCELINES cables, I am able to hear substantially more detail and graduations in tonal color, as well as more of the subtle spatial cues that we use in selecting and placing our microphones in setup. I am more able to discern from what surface a particular reflection is coming, and what coloration to the sound that particular reflection is producing, more quickly, and with less guesswork.
As well, the "window" through which we look into the recording seems to be "cleaner" with the FM ACOUSTICS. In addition, one of the more impressive features is it's ability to control loudspeakers in the low end of the audio spectrum where time-coherent current delivery and speaker control are most critical. Our organ recordings with Jean Guillou and our orchestral recordings with the Dallas Symphony are particularly challenging to amplifiers and their ability to control woofers. The FM ACOUSTICS amp and cables produce a seemingly bottomless and distortion-free low-end, with absolute control of the loudspeaker.

We have never heard another amplifier reproduce the 16-and 32-foot stops from the Tonhalle and St. Eustache organs properly. Until we began using the FM ACOUSTICS amps and FORCELINES, we had no idea, for sure, whether or not certain passages with complex organ pedalwork had actually made it onto the recording or not. Because of the current demands placed on the amplifier by our recordings, those passages always sounded muddy and somewhat bloated. After listening with the FM and FORCELINES cables, we were definitely relieved to hear that all the music from Jean Guillou's performances had made it to the recordings. WOW!

In a properly set up control room, we even feel the pressure waves caused by the nodes Jean Guillou sets up with his unrelenting pedalwork and from the standing waves in the original recording space - just as we remember from the recording sessions. What a difference!

As well, orchestral tuttis can be particularly demanding on an amplifier. Especially in fortissimo passages, the textures of the combined orchestral instruments can "load up" the soundstage, as well as become very harsh and constricted, due to current limiting. In our recordings with the Dallas Symphony, the FM ACOUSTICS amplifier and FORCELINES cable presented a rock-solid soundstage for all dynamic markings and orchestral textures.

(...) We were able to record a full symphony orchestra using our minimal microphone techniques because we could hear, in the control room, all the information (the subtle detail and tonal color) that we needed to make microphone choice and placement decisions, even in tonally complex tutti passages. Thank you for bringing these products into the light of day."
Craig D. Dory, President and Chief Engineer, Dorian Recordings, U.S.A.


"...We do not have photos of the Indian and South American tours. However, I can assure you that your power amplifiers worked without a single problem in the most exotic surroundings (mains voltage variations from 170V to 260V within half an hour were absolutely common...). The most incredible experience was when the amplifiers still worked after being accidentally thrown out of the Jumbo Jet and landing on concrete, a good 4 meters lower! Despite the impact and bent chassis, all 4 damaged FM 600's still worked 100% when they were tested. Only the mechanically damaged chassis had to be repaired. It is exactly this unmatched reliability and performance that we like so much about your power amplifiers."
Gottfried Dueren, Engineer & Producer, Germany


"...The sound of FM ACOUSTICS electronics is very natural, warm, clear and without any coloration. It is easy to identify the position of each instrument in height and width as well as precise depth. The amplifiers are perfectly linear at any volume level, and their characteristics do not change even under the heaviest conditions.

And you can rely on them: these products - we purchased everything but the FM 801A second hand - have never needed any particular maintenance during the years that they have been in constant use in our studios. And the previous owner, Stonecastle Studios, had them in constant 24 hour operation for 5 years before we aquired them. I think the ultimate compliment is that all of the artists who worked here over the last year had only positive comments. And this is quite a unique achievement, as these artists represent many different musical tastes and styles."
Sandro Franchin, Condulmer Recording Studio, Italy


"... I just wanted to get back with you per the FM 122. I do not have a bad system and thought I really was hearing the information in grooves. Well, how wrong I was. I must tell you that I have never experienced a single piece of gear that has made that much difference in my listening experience. My wife, a non-musican, said it best.When I asked her to come and listen with me, she asked to hear some of her favorite cuts. Her comment was "where did all the extra people come from ?" We laughed.But there is a lot of truth to that.More information at all levels.Dynamics are crisp, timbre is stellar. I listen to color of instrument and voice.This gets right to the point and gives me a sonic picture that is "real," vidid and involving.
Just wanted to say congratulations to you for this product and for helping to make all of my listening on the LP side an experience to which I continually want to return. Well, thanks again. Cheers.

I have never added a piece of gear that has bought me so much pleasure ! I know you hear this time and time again about the quality of your products. Being in the performance end of the world, I understand. The dynamics, timbre, size and overall picture is so vivid. Just need to let you know that I'm blown away by it. The very unfortunate part to all of this is that I hardly ever listen to CD's anymore. While my system is not mega bucks, for my income and needs it is very good. But with all of the components, the FM is the one that made the BIGGEST difference. Thanks for this quality musical instrument."
Lowell E. Graham, conductor, U.S.A.


"...It is safe to assume that I experienced the best music reproduction I have ever listened. Congratulation on this presentation!"
Walter Iten, Analogue Audio Association, Switzerland


"...Your amplifier is nothing short of awesome in its ability to handle transients. There is no detectable sound of stress, no sense of thermal stress either; though the amp always runs warm, it does not get much warmer. I've owned many power amps and heard and played through many more, and as far as I'm concerned the search for the ultimate has stopped here.
There is nothing to compare to lifting the lid on a piece of equipment and realizing that it has been designed and constructed with no regard to cost. My standards regarding musicianship are as high as yours are regarding sound. Thanks for your most inspiring performance!."
Anthony Jackson, Electric Contrabass virtuoso, U.S.A.


"...A little while ago, I replaced my previous system with your products (FM 122 preamplifier, FM 236-X100 electronic crossover, 2 F-10 power amplifiers). I want to express my highest respect to you and your staff for creating these unique products. I know that this is a much overused cliché, but I experience my records in a completely new way. The emotions, timbres and musicality of the recordings, are reproduced in a way that absolutely thrills me, over and over again. 
(...) There is only one thing left for me to say; your presentation of the Inspiration System in Lucerne has been by far the best and most moving that I have ever heard."
S. Jenal, Switzerland


"...I have been going through many changes with my reference monitoring system, using different speakers and experimenting with different cables. I've come to the conclusion that the cables from FM ACOUSTICS are excellent. When it comes to speaker cables, FORCELINES are the most transparent cables I have ever heard. They simply add nothing to - nor do they take anything away from - the original music.
(...) Thank you for making such great cables!"
Tom Jung of DMP, Stamford, U.S.A.


"...I owned some and auditioned many sound systems before, but none can surpass the magic (non-technical term!) sound of FM ACOUSTICS."
Charles Keng, Manila, Philippines


"...After installing the FM 122 I was happy with my system and was sure that any further improvement would be very very minor. When my dealer gave me the chance to listen to the new FM 255 I was very impressed. I was then offered the FM 255 for trial. I installed it in my system and - was literally overwhelmed.
I had been missing half of the music in my previous system which itself is not of minor cost! The increased transparency and additional information one obtains by simply replacing the line stage with the FM 255 is breathtaking. The other pre-amplifiers I tried are NOWHERE near the FM 255. My wife remarked that for her the difference was tremendous. It indeed is bigger than any other improvement heard so far. Now we are really listening."
G. Klement, Switzerland


"...I am so proud to be one of your users, and thanks for bringing this amplifier into my life."
Jovi Lai, Taoyuan, Taiwan


"...absolute clarity of the music reproduction and most of all the perfectly defined position of the musicians in the acoustic space. For the first time dreams became true. Music began to live."
Peter Lastovka, Freilassing, Germany - on using P.I.T. phono interconnect cables


"...Without a doubt FM ACOUSTICS builds the world's best power amplifiers. There is no other unit that touches them."
Steve Levine, Producer, London


"...It had been almost one month since I had my system set up. Although I get used to what it sounds at home, when I walk into a hifi shop these days for their presentation of some new "top end" equipment, I feel I cannot wait to get out of the shop as soon as possible."
Raymond Lo, Hong Kong


Listening At Jo's:
”We took the FM 108s to the President of the LS35A club, Jo Ng, in Malaysia.  He already has an FM 155 with his highly prized retro tubes, and is now trying the FM 108’s. Below are his comments.”   

From: KM Ng 



”Dear all,
...Six hours later, I wouldn’t say a royal union but a most matching union took place in Jo's house. The union of the most matching amp with his LS3/5a, which was heard for the first time by only 3 persons in the whole world. Creating, which I think, is the BEST sound that I heard from his LS3/5a system so far. BTW, the amp is brand new and never been played before.
Our listening was up to 3am, more than 5 hours. I think I'll let Jo to fill in the rest.””FYI. I've never read Jo giving so high acclaims before.

Thank you for the opening, KM Ng.
Yes, I can fully endorse this claim of the best-matched amp & LS3/5A I have ever experienced in my life! It surpasses
all my past experiences by a margin big enough that is simply inconceivable. You just have to listen to believe.
The representative for FM Acoustic kindly loaned me a pair of spanking new FM108 mono blocks for me to try in my system. I last heard this amp in Singapore hifi show couple of years ago. Prior to its arrival, Steven has already told me FM108 would be perfect for LS3/5A, but I was hesitated because I need to listen to it in my system in order to know whether what he said was correct.
The listening last night double confirmed that the FM 108 is the BEST amp for LS3/5A!! Period!
As new as the amp can be, and in its most raw form without even spending any time to explore its built-in settings, it took my Rogers flying. All three of us, Steven KM Ng and I were speechless with all our jaws on the floor! This is for real.
Because FM108 is a Resolution Series it comes with balanced connection, Steven kindly brought in FM245 pre for me to fully experience the benefits of full balance, which I am absolutely pleased in experiencing this.
With FM245 pre and FM108 mono power amp, Bryston’s front end makes my system one which defy sonic signature of any kind, it is neither tube nor solid state, but a conjure of the best of the best of the two!! Like KM Ng's Perfect Twins with perfect sound. It is so perfect that it can handle literally any music genre, ALL with aplomb. It does not seem to favor any particular type of music, every type is reproduced at epic level of performance. Steven said that, at this juncture, perhaps it is easier to list what is the weakness than pointing out the good ones... we paused for a moment and I said there is nothing in the sound that I don't like!!
So much music is laid bare with so much artistic articulation never heard before; ambient retrieval is simply so seamlessly tied to the incidental sound from either vocal or music instrument! Textures are rich, full and yet organically so easily accepted and makes believable!!
The control over the entire bandwidth is simply awesome; this is most noticeable in the low registers, which is unimaginable that a LS3/5A system with subs could generate such continuous full range sound in such full yet "complete“ sound. I played church organ, rock, and pop-rock right up to the sensual female vocal and chorale in natural acoustic space, all music played gave unsurpassed results!
I am in dreams! Very perfectly sweet dreams!"
Jo – LS3/5A Club, Malaysia


"...Four different crossover units have been tested: one with 3rd order Butterworth, two with 4th order Linkwitz-Riley and yours with its Gaussian type of slope characteristics. We congratulate you for having been selected number one! The entire system achieved flat response (within +/- 2dB) over the 30Hz-16Khz range by using your crossover. It was definitely better in definition and perspective, giving a better performance in all respects!"
Mark Two Studioteknik, Sweden


"...Finally I had the opportunity to listen more closely to the FM 122. Well, to say it simply: I am absolutely knocked out. This I did not expect. Never before have I heard so much music from records. None of the test reports do justice to, or even remotely describe, the capabilities of the FM 122. Congratulations!"
User in Germany, Name withheld by request


"...Music like you have never heard before" - I must say that it was not exaggerated! I think I will never hear again music like I heard through the Inspiration System."
Peter Meister, Switzerland


"...It is very easy to support FM ACOUSTICS LTD. Your products work, they look beautiful, and of course the sound is 100 percent natural in comparison to anything else out there."
John A. Miller, Acoustic Sounds, U.S.A.


"...Let me express my appreciation of your amplifiers. I have a lot of experience in comparing equipment of all sorts and pressings from different sources on vinyl, CD or DAT received directly from international record companies. I can say with full conviction that the Quad ESL 63 loudspeaker springs to life when connected to your amplifier. The difference is remarked by everyone without hesitation. Greater purity, rapidity and detail - there is more "air" around the solo instruments and I can more easily recognize the acoustics of the hall where we recorded and the sound of each individual player. Fast piano runs are clearer, the notes like individual pearls, unsmudged. The ESL 63 seems to have more range, particularly towards the top. I can add that the FM cables, for loudspeaker and line level, improve all this further."
Michael Murray-Robertson, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande


"...I'm an owner of an FM ACOUSTICS 244A pre-amplifier and 611 power-amplifier and would like to thank you for these real musical works of art. It's really wonderful to see that there is at least one product maker who can make a musical product (neutral; adds nothing, doesn't change anything and music sounds just like what's on the recording); an amplifier which looks like art and is also an A-Class amplifier which doesn't need such an insane warm-up time as other products.
I hope that more people will open their eyes and especially their ears to see and hear the value that FM ACOUSTICS products bring to music reproduction; the absolute sound. So, a big thank you to all at FM ACOUSTICS."
Marko Myller, Finland


"...After all the fuss about the worlds-most-expensive valve pre amplifier, I went to Singapore to hear it. To make a long story short, I am more convinced about the FM 266 than ever before. Yes, that valve pre amplifier is as sweet as people claim but when we listened closely, we realized that the FM 266 is even sweeter! With solid state equipment this so far has been unimaginable! In addition the FM 266 is much better in dynamics contrast, clearly superior in the treble and it provides an entirely different bass reproduction.
(...) It was a revelation! The difference is like day and night. I returned with the knowledge that at no price can you reach the performance of the FM 266. When considering this, even at its price, one can see that the FM 266 is a bargain."
S. Ng, Malaysia


"...I would never have believed that such differences in the sound of a power amplifier were possible - nor believed that it could be the power amp which can impair the performance of the speaker system in such a dramatic and fundamental way. To describe our new listening experience, I must say the difference is almost unbelievable. There is suddenly a bass drum sound on our tapes, which we had never heard before, much closer to the real thing. There is a dramatic change in the clarity, even on low levels. The middle and top are light and do not hurt. There is more weight to the sound. All this leads to less equalization during recording. We always blamed the room equalizers for the limitations but, interestingly, never the other power amps.
(...) The sound through the FM preamplifier and my professional FM 801A is absolutely astonishing, beautiful. We tried to replace the FM preamplifier with other electronics, which resulted in very poor sound quality."
Carlos Olms, Polygram, London


"...Your phono cable is superb. I compared it to the top priced American cables and I tried all the good ones. They are nowhere near as good as yours. It really is astounding."
Peter Russell, U.K.


"... I'm sorry, but when you have heard FM ACOUSTICS you can forget the rest."
Hansueli Saurer, Switzerland


"I would never have thought that there could be such a leap from the Linn to the FM ACOUSTICS. My wife also said that the difference is obvious and this even when listening casually. The difference in dynamics, presence and volume is striking.
This really is one good investment that will give me even more pleasure and enjoyment."
Dieter Schoeni, Switzerland


"...We were listening trough a pair of JBL monitors, and immediately after installing the FM 236 we noticed much improved imaging and a clearly better definition of the bass frequencies. The string instruments achieved the necessary brightness without becoming overbearing, and even pop music seemed more dynamic and better defined.
Loud passages were reproduced without any distortion whatsoever, and the spatial characteristics of the concert hall became far more transparent. The entire sound stage was much more clearly defined."
Bernhard Storz, Jankowski Ton-Studio, Germany


"... I want to briefly summarize the results of our listening comparisons of various power amplifiers. The FM ACOUSTICS had a deeper, more contoured bass, a more true and natural reproduction of highs, a clearly more exacting reproduction of the actual recording environment and audible details of the actual recordings ... The FM ACOUSTICS, in comparison with the other power amplifiers tested, showed a seemingly unspectacular but extremely honest and true to nature reproduction which, above all else, made the finest details of singular tonalities as well as the exact dimensions of the sound stage clearly audible."
Dr. Udo Unger, Südwest-Tonstudio GMBH, Germany


"...Far beyond everything I ever heard. So much resolution, so much detail. I love it very much. You helped me a lot."
Armand L. Van Trigt, Holland


"... These are the most natural, transparent, musical and harmonic solid state audio components that we have ever bestowed upon our ears."
User in Indonesia


"... What reported here sounds almost unbelievable, but by replacing the 2 huge Monoblock amplifiers with just a single FM 611 and playing track 8 of the Sheffileld test CD, one immediately realizes that even this simple sine wave clearly sounds much better with FM ACOUSTICS' power amplifier."
A user in Switzerland, anonymous



The above statements describe some of the unique virtues of FM ACOUSTICS products, but to fully appreciate their truly outstanding reproduction quality, the difference must be experienced in a well controlled audio environment.

FM ACOUSTICS is a registered trademark of FM ACOUSTICS LTD. All other company and product names mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective companies.


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Last updated : 20.03.2025